Friday 1 August 2014

5 Secrets To Building Long-term Relationships With Your Clients

This brings up an important question: how do you keep customers coming back, again and again?
Luckily, with powerful channels like email, social, mobile, and social — it’s never been easier for businesses to stay in touch with customers and generate the repeat business they need to succeed.
Here are 5 things you can try out:
1. Start a newsletter
With a regularly scheduled newsletter, you have the chance to stay top-of-mind with the people who already know your business. It’s effective because you’re reaching them in the place they’re already going everyday — their inbox.
People do business with people that they know, like, and trust. By sending a newsletter with helpful information and advice, you’ll have a chance to build the loyalty and trust you need to keep customers and clients coming back, and avoid losing them to the competition.
2. Ask for feedback
When done right, asking for feedback can be exactly what you need to keep people engaged and interested in your products and services.
One of the ways you can use a survey is to get people interested in something new you have coming up. For example, a retail business may send a survey to gauge interest around a new line of products before introducing them at their store.
By involving your audience in the planning process, you’ll have a higher response rate when you’re finally ready to promote the new items.
3. Try a Facebook promotion or sweepstakes
If you’re already using sites like Facebook, Twitter, or Pinterest to promote your business, you know how valuable social media can be for staying in touch with your audience.
But when it comes to turning those online interactions into new business — that’s when things get a little tricky.
One option is to run a special promotion, targeted at engaging your audience and getting them to take action. Separate from your everyday scheduled posts, these promotions are designed to give your audience something they can act on right away — whether that’s a piece of content to download, an offer to redeem, or a contest to enter.
4. Host an event
Hosting an event gives you the chance to take all of the hard work you’re doing online, and turn it into meaningful face-to-face interactions. This is a great opportunity to meet your fans in-person if you don’t have a physical location where they can visit you.
For a retail store, the event could be something as simple as a monthly sale. But you can also use events as a way to offer training and build loyalty through education. 
Don’t forget to use events as an opportunity to encourage attendees to sign up for your newsletter to receive updates about future events.
5. Create a share-worthy offer
If you’ve had offers that fell flat in the past, don’t worry.
Creating a share-worthy offer starts with understanding the needs of your audience, and coming up with something based on those needs to help you reach your goals.
Consider these three questions when creating your offer:
•What does your most loyal customer want or need?
•What type of incentive has inspired this customer to take action in the past?
•What is it about your business that would make this person want to refer you to a friend?
By focusing on these questions first, you’ll have a better chance of getting people to pay attention and act on the offers you send out, because you’ll be giving them something that they are interested in.
Putting it all together…
Whether you’re trying to attract new customers or build relationships with current customers — all of the tools you’re using to market your business need to work together.
With our Toolkit, you can create and run marketing campaigns to engage your audience, and keep customers coming back again-and-again.

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